“When anxious, uneasy and bad thoughts come, I go to the sea, and the sea drowns them out with its great wide sounds, cleanses me with its noise and imposes a rhythm upon everything in me that is bewildered and confused.” Rilke
“The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea.” Isak Dinesen
The Pisces new moon of March 17, 2018, is a healing moon, revealing much that needs to be completed and released.This healing and completing new moon closely conjuncts Chiron, the wounded healer, which reveals and heals the wound of separation from Source, from each other, from our wild, whole and holy selves. The New Moon conjunct Chiron exposes your deepest wounds. Chiron is wrapping up his transit through Pisces (February 2011) so it would be beneficial to look for indicators of your healing journey since then. Chiron is an instrument of healing through art, or your compassion in helping others. You have been gathering riches and resources of soul.
Jupiter in Scorpio has sent us to the depths of our collective psyche, into dark realms we might have been avoiding for years and would prefer not to visit! We are helped to have courage to face difficult issues which were hidden or ignored until now. Face the truth. Free yourself from fear and other binding emotions and beliefs holding you captive. You are capable of navigating this darkness with more skill and strength than ever.
Our collective attention is focused on the current patriarchal rot of corrupt and cruel power. But we are not only witnesses. We are visionaries and agents of change, bringing the healing power of right action, balance, using power to protect, preserve, life.
Slow down. Reflect. Have compassion for yourself and others. There is the potential for great healing now. If you are feeling the pain of an old, old wound, open your heart. Be aware we are all together, in oceanic oneness, swept up in an ongoing process of personal and collective evolution. Challenged mightily to surrender the old story. Let it wash away to make space for the new. Accept and allow.
If you feel you are slogging around in soggy, damp, emotional ground, be aware of the fertile soil for new beginnings. There is every opportunity and many allies for the healing now of very old wounds, or those sufferings perhaps ignored for the last seven years. Allow and accept the tides, the waves of feeling, to wash over and through you. You will soon be spurred on to take action for your success.
This is a good time to break away from a job that does not bring you happiness and success, or relationships that squash your self expression and freedom. Go inward. Trust your instincts. The wounds not yet healed are revealed and brought up for transformation. The challenge is to face them while embracing and celebrating all you have been through. What you have learned. How brave and strong you have become.
“Take stock of what you have achieved. Celebrate the completion of tasks. Be joyful. Ask for guidance. Build community. And make sure you don’t ignore the gifts you’ve been given or refuse help when offered.” (Donna Woodwell, Donna Philosophica)
As events of this new moon unfold, accept this may be a vulnerable and painful time. Nurture yourself. Ask:
~What small step do I need to take next?
~What milestone in my life can I celebrate?
~What difficulties, obstacles, suffering have I managed to surmount, overcome, endure?
~What gifts and lessons am I grateful for?
~What seeds can I feel pushing through to be cultivated?
In a paradox of surrender (accept and allow) and taking action, we trust that we are being directed to the truest, most expanded version of ourselves. Focus on your most deeply held ideals, what you want for the long term.
Here is the opening to take a deep dive into the deeper intelligence permeating all life. Perhaps you are learning to breathe underwater. This is a very good time to sink into your Dreaming, to go inward. If you would like some assistance navigating, breathing underwater, exploring the deep water, reading the tides, call or write: drmsteele@gmail.com, 510-540-0777 for a complimentary 20 minute discovery session.
Surrender your burdens knowing that you are held by the limitless ocean of possibilities. Feel the compassion and acceptance of what is. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. So much is being offered for your awakening and healing.
Chiron has been in the Feminine water sign of Pisces for seven years, facilitating the healing of women. As individuals reveal the secrets of their victimization, the repression of the Feminine for millennia, wholeness – holiness – is restored. The Feminine wounds have been revealed, awakened, heard and seen. They are being healed. And a powerful reconciliation of feminine and masculine energies is powerfully underway.
On Tuesday, the Spring Equinox, light and dark will be balanced. Persephone will rise from the underworld. And Aries begins the new year of the zodiac, bringing the fire of action to our new beginnings. The Sabian symbol for this day: A woman just risen from the sea. A seal is embracing her.
Maybe this is a Selkie (according to Celtic mythology), bringing her back the skin of her power and magic. Are you ready to reclaim the stolen skin of your power and magic?