“And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been”
Rainer Maria Rilke
Take off your mask. Come home to yourself.
2018 will be a year of alchemical transformation. It is an 11 universal year in numerology, master number of new beginnings. It is also the vibration of creation and partnerships. Step up. Expand beyond what you thought was possible. There will be increased synchronicities, miracles, the possibility for fulfillment of your destiny. As we move into the Aquarian Age, we enter the mystery as a huge shift begins in the world. Pushing the restart button, get ready for liberation and illumination. Now is the moment. Focus.
This super moon in Cancer, the Full Wolf Moon, brings to light just what needs to end, transform or shift in some radical way in the structures, foundations and old stories that keep playing out in your life. This is true on both personal and collective levels. This Full Wolf Moon will throw you into the heart of mystery of your purpose with radical shifts. Use the energies of this Cancer moon to get over your fears by filling yourself with unconditional love. Mature into your purpose, taking responsibility for your feminine power and sovereignty. Conjunct to the full moon was Black Moon Lilith, and Eris, two fierce feminine warriors who are fed up with being ignored.
Saturn moved into Capricorn at Winter Solstice December 19. At the Galactic Center, the vast black hole in the middle of the Milky Way, we see into holy darkness. The womb of creation. The place where stars are born. And new stories are birthed. What did you seed at Solstice?
The future cannot be controlled but it can be created. It may feel like we are being sucked into a vortex of destructive economic, political and environmental news. But we are birthing a new story. It is important to tell ourselves, repeatedly, that we have the strength to succeed. We are the ancestors of the future.
Saturn is tough but bestows true authority and the power to make change on this planet and in our lives. He means serious business, an initiation into our own authority, responsibility. Like the Hawaiian word for responsibility – kuleana– this is not just about “duty” but the privilege and blessing of being given a sacred task, the blessing of your gifts, your healed wounds, to accomplish it. Now it seems to me Ho’okuleana is even more important: the shared and collective responsibility to heal ourselves and care for our world kin and the planet.
There is great energy to ground your vision, focus, build a structure to support you, boundaries to protect you. Saturn is the master of time. Stay steadfast in serving what holds you to your greatest good.
Are you ready to act? Saturn rules social structures, communal life, government, financial systems. Via Cathy Pagano [http://www.wisdom-of-astrology.com/public/page/blog?i=2] and Daniel Giamanio, some ancient cultures saw Capricorn as a Council of Grandmothers who shared their wisdom for the common good. This is the wisdom of the earth and of the body. The last time Saturn was in Capricorn was 1988-89. What were you doing then? What have you learned?
In a current online course Kaypacha(http://newparadigmastrology.com/kaypacha/) “Getting Stronger with Saturn” we learn how Saturn allows us to claim our sovereignty, own our authority, by insisting we honor the boundaries, borders, structures of time and the real limitations of third dimension time and space.
Find home within your inner Mother, nurture yourself and your dearest creative babies. Capricorn and Saturn are excellent at structuring and stabilizing your visions and goals.
Saturn is also the planet of synthesis, helping us to put it all together in alignment with our soul’s destiny. Define yourself. Time is limited. What has been deconstructed over the last few years is ready to be reconstructed, renewed. Get it done. Saturn asks of us to come into correct alignment with our soul’s purpose, to stretch towards the Goddess as she is reaching for us. He is the Magician. This could be a very creative time for you.
I especially love helping midlife, Baby Boomer, Primetime women 50+on the journey toward Reinvention. Renewal. A journey to discover your legacy and leadership. This could be the most meaningful chapter of your life! And the world needs you. Perhaps you have felt ashamed of your dreams and wishes, and hidden your power. Time to let that go. Open to the initiation of your authentic authority. Learn to trust your intuition, your instincts, your visions. Build a foundation and framework especially in relationship to the world. You have the maturity now to dedicate yourself to this journey. First, a deconstruction. Deconditioning to your previous reality. Perhaps you need a radical new perspective, a reconditioning, a restructuring. Step outside of the old story, the old rules. Redefine power, revision success, and reclaim joy.
As this is such a month for imagination, tapping into your enthusiasm and creativity, why don’t you join me in person (Bay Area, California) or via Skype for a consultation? Find your joie de vivre. A new initiative is ready to begin. Let’s map it out and prepare to implement and manifest . A call to action is emerging from the Universe, calling you to freedom.