PrimeTime Revival

By |2013-08-08T02:05:32-05:00August 8th, 2013|Blog|

It is still summer, and in California we have a usually warm Indian summer to look forward to in September and October. Outside my window, tribes of red finches and swirls of hummingbirds zoom around my neighbor's bird feeders, dabble in the climbing jasmine, the tall tufts of scarlet penstemon. This is a time of abundance and creativity for the Earth. Perhaps a very good time to pay attention to our bodies, our vitality, our health. Many people ask me what in the world I have done this year, to lose almost 40 [...]

Lean In, Lean Back, Leap Beyond

By |2013-06-28T04:26:10-05:00June 28th, 2013|Blog|

My plan was to write a little review of Sheryl Sandberg's book Lean In:Women, Work, and the Will to Lead as a jumping off point to talk about feminine power and the urgent need for women's leadership in organizations, institutions, corporations. Well, right away you can tell I have big questions in mind. Too many for one blog. This is going to be a series. Let's talk about this.Just a few comments on my blog title. When i think of "lean in", I'm picturing bending, inclining, slouching, slumping, dipping, sagging. I bow my [...]

What is The Wild Feminine?

By |2013-06-27T22:56:19-05:00June 27th, 2013|Blog| In this brief conversation with author and speaker Marilyn Steele, the spirit, energy and vision of feminine power and wisdom are evoked through music, images of nature, and words. Welcome to the viewer seeking inspiration and healing for self and the world. For those interested in a video of their own, contact Eric Pomert, Life Story Video Editor.

Happy Beltane and Merry May

By |2013-05-02T03:07:23-05:00May 2nd, 2013|Blog|

What a glorious sunny day for May Day. Wildflowers everywhere - brilliant yellows, pale blues, fiery reds. Cherry blossoms shower their soft pink petals on the trail as I run around Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park. Turtles sun themselves on raised logs. Two families of Canada geese with their gaggles of goslings glide in the water alongside sea gulls and ducks. One gosling is so excited to be in the water, she keeps bobbing and splashing up and down in the water, then speeding up to rejoin her family. That's the way [...]


By |2013-01-31T00:41:12-06:00January 31st, 2013|Blog|

Recently I had this dream:At the large 1908 house where I raised the kids, there is a women’s writing conference going on. Some women stroll around the garden, or sit in the courtyard under the shiny dark green leaves and glossy white blossoms of the large magnolia tree. Inside there are others, writing in groups, talking. A circle is going on. A writer and teacher friend of mine comes over and tells me:“There is something on the front porch that you should see. She has a lot of stories to tell.” I go [...]

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