Remember the sacred stories of our own wild souls!

By |2023-07-25T17:55:59-05:00July 25th, 2023|Blog|

Happy Super Full Moon in Capricorn. In ancient times Capricorn was symbolized by the Seagoat, who was connected to the invisible mysteries as well as visible earth. It also represents the Council of Grandmothers, the wisdom of the Wise Elders, who can help us build and manifest a long lasting foundation for life anchored in the heart. As the Sun entered Cancer at the Solstice June 21, beginning our Summer in the Northern hemisphere we gathered the imaginative stories spun at the Gemini new moon. Perhaps Grandmother Spider Woman is spinning a new [...]


By |2022-08-05T14:35:18-05:00August 5th, 2022|Blog, News|

Art: Sally Barlow August is an especially intense month for radical change and creation. Driving along turning over the latest stories of fires and floods, the growing stream of revelations of attempts to undermine democracy in the U.S., the mountains of sorrow over the murdered children of Uvalde, the Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade and crippling the EPA, I felt my heart was on fire with fury. What then is my role in this? Where can I help? I mulled over some wonderful groups and classes and gatherings that are [...]

Flowering Wild Feminine Power & Leadership

By |2021-12-10T17:24:35-06:00August 20th, 2021|Blog|

“We are here to build something great” (sign on a truck in front of me this morning) “We have seen what we thought was unseeable” A physicist on viewing the first image of a black hole by Dr. Katie Bouman The war on women continues. The challenges to the rule of law. The numerous cruelties to children, immigrants. Destructive decisions that harm our beloved planet and kin. The “evil on top of the table” as Jung put it, rather than hidden out of sight underneath. We lost Polly Higgins, a lawyer for the [...]

The Greening of the Soul: Creativity & the Wild Feminine

By |2021-12-10T17:25:15-06:00August 20th, 2021|Baby Boomers, Blog, DIVINE FEMININE, Dreamtime, Eco-feminism, Ecopsychology, feminine power, Feminism, Happiness, Jungian psychology, New Story, spiritual ecology, Women and Leadership, women's leadership|

Did you not see that when your creative force turned to the world, how the dead things moved under it and through it, how they grew and prospered, and how your thoughts flowed in rich rivers? If your creative force now turns to the place of the soul, you will see how your soul becomes green and how its field bears wonderful fruit?             – C.G. Jung, The Red Book   In yoga this week, we were doing a pose called “Parivrtta” something. (I looked it up: Parivrtta Paschimottanasana.) One leg is stretched straight out; [...]

Walk in Beauty & Power

By |2021-12-10T17:25:12-06:00August 20th, 2021|Blog|

Hope can be neither affirmed nor denied. Hope is like a path in the countryside: originally there was no path- yet, as people are walking all the time in the same spot, a way appears. –Lu Xun, Chinese Poet & Essayist   Hope is not like a lottery ticket you can sit on the sofa and clutch, feeling lucky…Hope is an ax you break down doors with in an emergency… because it will take everything you have to steer the future away from endless war, from the annihilation of the earth’s treasures and [...]

After the Apocalypse: Dreaming in the Time of Corona

By |2021-12-10T17:24:07-06:00August 20th, 2021|Blog|

“If there is to be a change, it will come from us. Right here, where we stand. Women were always the story-givers, the memory keepers, the dreamers. Listen now to the land’s long dreaming. Do you see what it is dreaming? It’s dreaming you.” – Sharon Blackie, If Women Rose Rooted   Ten weeks ago we were just hearing about COVID-19. Not quite sure whether it would be serious or not, how far it would spread, we gradually recognized that this was a life-changing experience. For all the predictions about 2020 being a [...]

Innovator Construction: You Are Already a Star

By |2021-12-10T17:24:42-06:00August 19th, 2021|Blog|

This year promises to be one of the massive changes, massive transformations, and a major evolutionary leap in human history and consciousness. We are already feeling its intensity, perhaps with some trepidation. We are being shaken to our roots. And so we must claim our place as seed~bearers of a new future. We bring the power and magic of our stars, from which we come, to the restoration, the re-storying of the anima mundi. In my dreams this week the Black Madonna has returned to the magnificent mansion which long ago belonged to [...]

Call of the Wild: Dancing with Chaos

By |2021-12-10T17:24:27-06:00August 19th, 2021|Blog|

My six-year-old grandson, Scout, and I were talking about what dreams we might have as we got ready for bed. He explained: “First you see them with your eyes. Then they need to move into your mind and all the spaces there so they can come alive. Then you can step right into them.” Yep. This year 2020 began with the intense pressure of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction and stellium of planets in Capricorn, and the eclipses. But as the Sun entered Aquarius Monday, and now the new moon, hopefully, you can feel a [...]

Women Rising: Dreaming in a Time of Corona

By |2021-12-10T17:25:51-06:00August 19th, 2021|Blog|

I know we have to remember. … I remember when we had dreamers and they knew the water and its first songs, and I remember that the dreamers found water and medicine for the people. Nan okcha. All alive. Remember. – Linda Hogan (Solar Storms) Our hearts continue to break with the murder last week of George Floyd and the eruption of grief and rage throughout the country. We are reminded, daily, of the presence of indifference in Presidential leadership to suffering and an inability, or lack of desire, to help heal the nation [...]

Queen Kali Calls Us to Love

By |2021-12-10T17:25:26-06:00August 19th, 2021|Blog|

Listening to NPR on my car radio, the news of the enormous explosion in Beirut and its aftermath are heartbreaking. But it was the stories of kindness, compassion, and generosity that finally broke the dam of global grief tears in me. Immediately, the Lebanese nearby began to set up online housing sources. Opening their homes, their apartments, to anyone displaced by the devastating explosion. A hotel owner assured potential guests they would be fed as well. This land of Lebanon, with so many years of conflict, war, economic hardship, has a lion’s heart [...]

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