By |2018-05-22T18:27:56-05:00May 22nd, 2018|Blog, DIVINE FEMININE, Feminism, financial freedom, Goddess, Jungian psychology, New Story, Shamanic dreaming, Women and Leadership|

“If there is to be a change, it will come from us. Right here, where we stand. Women were always the story-givers, the memory keepers, the dreamers. Listen now to the land’s long dreaming. Do you see what it is dreaming? It’s dreaming you.” (Sharon Blackie, If Women Rose Rooted) https://amzn.to/2GuT3QZ Last week I was shaken, as most probably you were, by the news of yet another school shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas. Heartsick, I questioned whether sending this post with a consultation offer was the right thing to do. [...]

The Grandmothers: Secrets of the Old Ones

By |2016-08-31T21:21:29-05:00August 31st, 2016|Dreamtime, Shamanic dreaming, Women and Leadership|

A few weeks ago I dreamed a group of us women went down to a pool where a herd of elephants was standing. It was very crowded. We squeezed in, skin to skin, with these giant animals who were so strong, so gentle. As we settled into the water up to our chests, the elephants began to rumble, to vibrate. We were there to learn how to tune into their vibrations, to sound with them, at the same level of 500 waves per second, or maybe minute. The attunement was the task. The [...]


By |2015-04-28T20:10:52-05:00April 28th, 2015|Women and Leadership|

In each moment the fire rages, it will burn away a hundred veils. And carry you a thousand steps toward your goal                 Rumi Many mornings this winter I was waking up between 3-5 a.m., with rushes of fear spreading across my collarbone and down the insides of my arms. I have hated it. And really resented being woken up so early, in the dark. I tried all the coping strategies I could think of: Prayer. Chants. Mantras. Swearing. Sometimes I would get up and read. Or [...]

Tell a New, Wild Story – Map a New, Wild World

By |2014-06-20T21:27:54-05:00June 20th, 2014|Book, Women and Leadership|

  We live and create, ourselves and our world, by the stories we tell. We need the true stories of women and the deep dreams of the wild and sacred Feminine to orient and guide us. It is time to recapture history and reclaim a stolen legacy.We are looking for new lands. We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth, all the maps change. There are new mountains.                                            [...]

PrimeTime Revival

By |2013-08-08T02:05:32-05:00August 8th, 2013|Blog|

It is still summer, and in California we have a usually warm Indian summer to look forward to in September and October. Outside my window, tribes of red finches and swirls of hummingbirds zoom around my neighbor's bird feeders, dabble in the climbing jasmine, the tall tufts of scarlet penstemon. This is a time of abundance and creativity for the Earth. Perhaps a very good time to pay attention to our bodies, our vitality, our health. Many people ask me what in the world I have done this year, to lose almost 40 [...]

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